Let Go and Get in the Flow…   
Recently I had a dream that I was driving without seeing.  Interestingly, I was not afraid. I heard the traffic rush past me, but I was not afraid. I had confidence that I would not be hurt.  This is not the first time I had this dream. Each time I arrive at my destination unscathed. 
The universe is always finding ways to show us that we are held in love. We can let go and trust in the Infinite Presence that is the source of all that is. I do not need to see everything up ahead. I just need to trust that there is a Force greater than me that can guide my way.  “The steps of the righteous are ordered by God.” When we trust the guiding Presence within and tune our mind and heart to listen to the inner voice of wisdom, we can trust that the way forward may seem rocky, but we will not be harmed. All things are working for our good. We can Let Go and Get in the Flow of eternal peace, love and joy.  There is no need to manipulate or try to control life. 
I invite you to practice letting go. Think of what stands in the way of you fully embracing the truth that where you are God is and all is well even if you cannot fully see it. Let go of the chatter of the rational mind and focus on Truth. Then the eyes of Spirit will help you see more clearly.  
Have a wonderful week. See you on Sunday.