Audio-Visual Team-Landing Page


WELCOME to the AUDIO/VISUAL Ministry Team

Our Team is active every Sunday and occasionally during the week. When the team is not visible, there is much work going on to prepare for the weekend ahead.

Here are some of the things we do:

Prior to Sunday

  • Prepare the Video, Songs and music to be inserted into the Sunday Service presentation.
  • Prepare the Pre-service and Lobby announcements.
  • Prepare the Service presentation you see on Sunday morning.
  • Prepare the Video Streaming Software (some weekly changes are necessary)
  • Upload all files used in the service to cloud storage. 



  • Structured classes
  • Guided Self Study
  • Mentoring
  • On the job training


The A/V Team arrives at church between 8:30 & 9:15 a.m. depending on the position they are filling that day. Yes, all members of our team are encouraged to cross train so each of us has knowledge of all functions of the team and may even progress to becoming a backup.

Audio Operator - Sets Up microphones as necessary and tests them, then balances the audio with the performer or instrument.

Service Video Projection - Sunday morning starts early, downloading the files that have been previously prepared. After installing and running the files, they are ready for checking by the Minister and Music Director.

Video Mixing & Streaming - This position is not fully defined. So more later.

Camera Operator - Sunday morning the operator retrieves the camera from storage, and mounts it on the tripod. Then they make the necessary connections and commence testing. During the service pan, tilt and zoom as needed.


We primarily use:

Microsoft Office products for slides, charts etc.

vMix video streaming Software

GOAL:  To have a service when no one knows we are there

Well you reached this point without loosing interest, so please allow us to show you more.

We invite you to spend a Sunday in our company to find out more about us, so drop Michael Wilmshurst an email, to discuss possible dates. We hope to hear from you soon.